2020.08.25. Une commission, proposition inappropriée sur la bourse Benaiges

Submetido por Arredondo a Ter, 2020-08-25 19:51

Une commission, proposition que le MCEP juge inappropriée concernant la bourse Benaiges.

Una comisión, propuesta que el MCEP considera inapropiada sobre la beca Benaiges.

A commission, a proposal that the MCEP considers inappropriate concerning the Benaiges scholarship.



2020.08.10. Maestro Benaiges: Visions of the sea through the eyes of children who have never seen it

Submetido por Wanda Gruenwald a Seg, 2020-08-10 18:08

The 25th 1936 the Freinet-teacher Antoni Benaigés was killed in secret by the Franco regime and put in a mass grave together with more than one hundred people. But his grave was found. You can see it in the middle of the picture thanks to the group of Sergi Bernal. He follows the traces through history in the powerful language of images. They are visions of history through the eyes of people who have never seen it.