With regard to the Benaiges Scholarship, the MEPA maintains

Submetido por Luis Ricardo a Sáb, 2020-08-29 23:09

The Movement for Popular Alternative Education, MEPA, in Mexico, considers the following

- There is no need to create a commission for the Benaiges scholarship, since it is an ongoing project, which only lacks the funding that the C.A. owes it since 2018.

- We reiterate that the commissions of FIMEM cannot be integrated by people who are not part of the confederation. Flor Zaldumbide has not been a member of the MEPA since 13 August 2020, as we informed in the letter sent to the C.A. on 14 August 2020.

2020.08.26 . PROPOSITIONS des mouvements du groupe FRANCOPHONE pour l'Ordre du jour de l'AG3 FIMEM 2020

Submetido por Léonard De Leo a Qua, 2020-08-26 01:12

Les textes des propositions des mouvements du groupe de langue francophone pour l'ordre du jour de l'AG3 FIMEM sont en pièces jointes dans les 3 langues.

Se adjuntan en los 3 idiomas los textos de las propuestas de los movimientos del grupo francófono para el orden del día de la AG3 de la FIMEM.

The texts of the proposals of the movements of the French-speaking language group for the agenda of the FIMEM GA3 are attached in the 3 languages.

2020.08.25. Une commission, proposition inappropriée sur la bourse Benaiges

Submetido por Arredondo a Ter, 2020-08-25 19:51

Une commission, proposition que le MCEP juge inappropriée concernant la bourse Benaiges.

Una comisión, propuesta que el MCEP considera inapropiada sobre la beca Benaiges.

A commission, a proposal that the MCEP considers inappropriate concerning the Benaiges scholarship.