Evocative documentary from Florence

Gespeichert von David Almlof am Mo., 28.07.2014 - 16:01

On a short workshop the participants of the RIDEF were able to see the documentary film Educazione Affetiva, by Federico Bondi and Clemente Biocchi. The last year they followed a school class (ten years old) in Scuola - citta pestalozzi di Firenze together with their two teachers. It's a school that emphasizes working with the children's relations with other children and with the teachers. Conflicts that occur have to take place and be solved by them; it is a part of the education. They mostly work with prevention not only solving things.

The Ridef Will Continue on the Website

Gespeichert von Renate Thiel am Mo., 28.07.2014 - 15:49

When the RIDEF is over, it will continue on the FIMEM-website, where you can read the different newspapers of all the RIDEFs, the articles, the reports, the interviews, see the fotos... Here you can also find information about the Freinet pedagogy in different countries of the world between two RIDEFs.
