2020.07.10 - ICEM questions to the FIMEM CA Boards for GA

Submitted by Léonard De Leo on 10/07/20 – 12:02

Good morning to the CA Board members,
Hello members of the virtual AG commission,
Hello to the delegates of the movements,

In view of the preparation of the GA2a and to inform the members of our movement, the delegates of the ICEM address these questions to the FIMEM CA for more details on the points to vote.

Thank you for your work in the organization of this GA,

ICEM delegates (France)
Gwenaëlle Bérillon, Karine, Jaffré, Léonard De Leo, Nicolas Mathey

July 10, 2020


In the paragraph: BOARD DECISIONS TO BE VALIDATED IN General Assembly 3

1) - Arrears policy applied since 2016

ICEM Question:

- Is it a question of withdrawing FIMEM membership from movements that have not paid their dues this year (for the last two years) or for movements that have not paid since several RIDEFs?

Indeed, some non-European movements take advantage of RIDEF to pay their membership fees directly, thus avoiding costs.

Your voting proposal does not specify whether this takes into account the cancellation of RIDEF 2020.

2) Delegates: 2-year mandate and liaison officer between RIDEF and RIDEF

ICEM Questions :

- Are these the delegates of the movements to the FIMEM MEETING?

- Could you clarify why the mandates are extended for a period of two years beyond the dates of the meeting?

- Will there be any events related to the GA during these two years?

- The two-year mandate: is this exceptional due to the cancellation of RIDEF 2020, or is it a final decision valid for all future GAs after 2021?

- You mentioned a « liaison officer » between two RIDEFs: is it rather "between two General Assemblies"?

- Will the delegates have a liaison role with the RIDEF or only in relation with the GA?

- According to your answers, would this not require a change in the Rules of Procedure concerning the role of delegates?


3) Debts Haiti and Benin :

withdrawal of these movements as a member or debt cancellation or other

ICEM Questions :

- If one of the proposals is to abolish membership, could you tell us the circumstances that led to these debts so that we can clearly establish what is the responsibility of the movements concerned and what is the responsibility of the IMEF?

- In the case of Benin's proposal, reference is made to the RIDEF 2016 budget.

Could we have access to the accounting elements of this RIDEF to enable us to understand the precise nature of this debt?

- What decisions have already been taken by the FIMEM Board regarding the debts of Benin and Haiti?


4) Role of FIMEM :

works for all the children or only those from the working class?

ICEM Questions :

- Could you tell us where this question comes from and what are the specific elements or findings that motivated it?

- Is it the practice of some movements or of the whole FIMEM by its Board or by its GA votes?



Choice of venues vs. costs, place of women, secularism, quality of workshops ... advantages and disadvantages of having one person wearing both FIMEM and CO hats.

ICEM Questions :

- Will this issue be presented by FIMEM Committee #6 (RIDEF Committee)?

- If so, could we have more specifics about these issues?

- On what occasions has the place of women been at issue?

- On what occasion could a problem of secularism arise or has it already arisen?

- Many current movements have not been RIDEF organizers:

Would you have any clarification on the possible incompatibilities of being both a member of the Board of Directors and a member of the Organising Committee of a RIDEF? Do you have examples of blockages?


6) Benaiges - creation of a commission or not?

ICEM Questions :

- Could you present the current functioning of the awarding of this grant by the FIMEM?

- What needs would motivate the creation of a commission in relation to the current functioning?


7) Presentation of the proposals of the movements, language groups and commissions

ICEM Questions :

- At some point in this GA, will there be a presentation and clarification on the place, role, work, actions and decision-making powers of the commissions within the ICEM?

To define :

- what relationship they have with the FIMEM Board;

- if they are a support to lighten the tasks of the GC;

- whether they have the power to take initiatives on behalf of FIMEM or the GC;

- whether they have the power to make proposals at the GA in the same way as the movements;

- whether this would not require a clear definition of their role in the rules of procedure or in the deliberations of the GA.


8) Suggestions from ICEM about the translations of the texts for the GA on the website :
For this virtual GA, translations are essential and indispensable. It is a priority if we want to communicate in good conditions. Here are some questions and suggestions: - Is there a list of translators for this GA. If so, is it sufficient?
- Is commission #3 "translations" solicited and can delegates address it?
- Can it be agreed that the authors of the texts for the G.A. request their own movement for translations in both languages in order to relieve the work of translations. Which movements would be likely to do this?


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