Congresso Nacional: Em defesa das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras

Submitted by Sylviane Amiet on 02/08/19 – 08:34

I just signed the petition "National Congress: In defense of Brazilian Public Universities" and I wanted to know if you can help by signing it too.


Our goal is to get 3,000,000 signatures and we need more support. You can read more about this subject and sign the petition here:


Thank you! Thank you!



2019 ein neues buch in FP. a new book in FP

Submitted by Sylviane Amiet on 08/05/19 – 17:28




Guten Tag,



Für mehr Informationen zu diesem Werk, siehe das anliegende Faltblatt „Kock 3_0001.pdf“

Dieses Buch wird von den „Amis de Freinet“ für zehn Euro angeboten. Zehn Euro deckt weltweit das Porto - Näheres auf dem Bestellschein in dem beiliegenden Faltblatt (“ dépliant-2019-complet_0.pdf ")

2019.03.25. Actions to publicize our pedagogy Michel Mulat 25/03/19 – 13:31

Let's use public demonstrations or provoke them by showing our activities.

Compte rendu des rencontres virtuelles du CA (octobre-novembre-décembre 2018)

Submitted by Mariel Ducharme on 18/01/19 – 18:51

Launch of FIMEM International Commissions

We are communicating with the coordinators already engaged on a Commission in order to know the state of the situation.

Michel Mulat agrees to take charge of the "statutes and  RI" commission

Commissions will work independently. If they wish, they will be able to exchange information with the members of the Board.

If the number of interested people remains insufficient, we will appeal to the members of the former CA.