2019 ein neues buch in FP. a new book in FP

Submitted by Sylviane Amiet on 08/05/19 – 17:28




Guten Tag,



Für mehr Informationen zu diesem Werk, siehe das anliegende Faltblatt „Kock 3_0001.pdf“

Dieses Buch wird von den „Amis de Freinet“ für zehn Euro angeboten. Zehn Euro deckt weltweit das Porto - Näheres auf dem Bestellschein in dem beiliegenden Faltblatt (“ dépliant-2019-complet_0.pdf ")

Zofia Napiorkows​ka died

Submitted by Wanda Gruenwald on 05/12/13 – 21:23

On December 3rd 2013 Zofia Napiórkowska (1933 - 2013) passed away. She was the leader of C. Freinet pedagogy in Poland, an outstanding educator and a friend of many teachers in Poland and other countries. Since mid 60's she had been a close co-worker of Halina Semenowicz - the pioneer of C. Freinet pedagogy movement in Poland. She searched for free education and fought for it with her writing. She was an author of many articles in pedagogy magazines and an organizer of many conferences and workshops for Polish teachers. In 1992 - 2002 she was the chairwoman of PSAPF.

Bibliography on the children's rights Claude Beaunis 01/04/13 – 19:42