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François Perdrial (no verificado)

ECF communicates to all the educational community of the School Célestin Freinet, the painful loss of his founder Don Eradio Mardones Oyarzun.
Don Eradio was during 33 years, the pioneer, the director and the administrator of a tremendous educational project, which will be its inheritance as well as the education of tens of generations. We all thank and each of his workers, professionals, teachers, parents and guardians friends andrelatives and specially all the boys and the girls who were formed by his serenity and his energy.

The BD of FIMEM sends its most sincere condolences to the family, to the educational community of the school and to the Chilean movement. To know better Don Eradio Mardones, pioneer of the Modern school in Chile: http://www.radiotierra.cl/node/3911

Pilar Fontevedra, Présidente of FIMEM

Mié, 15/01/2014 - 21:50 Enlace permanente
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