Mention an essencial right or a need

We have the right to:
· Life and a better life
· Tools to grow up properly
· Food and drinks
· Clothes
· Have a house
· Physical activities
· Health
· Live near a hospital
· Live in a healthy environment and in a world whitout pollution
· Never surrender
· A name
· Be cured and to live in a happy family with love and affection
· Have responsible parents
· No wars in the world because they separated us from our families. Our dads go to war with the risk of die
· Wars are horrible, cruel and fair
· Not to be abandoned
· To friendship
· To see positive behaviours to conway the mas adults
- To freedom
- Not to work in mines or to be exploited
- Not to be treated as slaves
- To complain about important things
- Not to be afraid
- Not to be offended and bulled by older kids
- To respect and protection
- Not to be involved in crimes and war actions
- The school must be a workshop where people cooperate and help each other to improve their lifestyle
- To a good school, to study
- To learn good things ( concepts, ideas)
- To learn literacy as well as developed, politness and enjoy friendship
- To discover nature
- To play
- To have fun
- To expression and verbal interaction
- To be listened to and consulted us before making decisions we are envolvd in
If you could ask an adult to do something for children, what would you for ask?
- Happiness for everyone whitout wars and following their needs
- Children must be respected because they are all the same
- Dont be selfish, open your heart becaus somewhere in the world a child needs yout help
- No more wars no more children soldiers
- We want to live in peace
- We have created some slogans , for example ‘war is horrible we love peace’
- I’d like more green spaces to play we want people to cut less trees and to build less houses
- Don’t pollute the world but recycle good for a better futur
- Close down all the factories exploting children and adults
- Ensure children the right to education and make them live in a non violent world
- Bring them up with love and no violence
- Children must be respected and never beated. Otherwise they will became violent adults
- Select a good tutor to support them or a supporting family
- Learn to respect their feelings
- Protect working children providing their with the proper education
- Aid them to become good adults
- To be so brave to protect them from any dangers
- Give them freedom
- Spend your freetime with them to understand their needs
- Choose the right toys for them
• States and the richest people should give money to make children happy without poverty, helping children who have nothing
• In addition to looking forward, we must also look back
• let the children talk and don’t say to them: ‘Shut up, he/she is talking now’
• remember you were a chid as welll
• When you were a child, did you need any rights or something else?
• Don’t treat children badly . And if you were in their shoes?
• If you knew how much it is wrong to be an earful!
• Adults ask us for respect, but they must start to respect us.
• Have you ever noticed what happens to children in your country? (addressing politicians)
- All children have the right to life
• You complain about vendors, the ' Gypsies ', and then you destroy their houses whereas you should build them to improve integration
• Campaign against shopping for mums. Avoid buying products made exploiting
children (e.g. lipsticks that contain mica carved by Indian children)
• Don’t see problems and forget about them, you must react. We don't need indifferent
• Children must check that the rights are applied.
• We need to build more schools, and rebuild the damaged ones
• Children's rights must be respected all over the world. You know that it isn’t so.
• Young people should have the right to a healthy environment, to family, to life, to live in a house, to food, to freedom, to education, to a good school, and expression. That is, the right to speak, to be lissened to and consulted as for matters concerning them.
• According to articles 44 and 45 of the Convention a UN Committee must control the application and the progress of human rights in States parties. Does the European Union take into account what this Committee recommends ?
• According to article 50 of the Convention amendments can be done to the law approved by the UN Assembly in 1989. Does the European Union supports programmes to fight the phenomenon of soldiers children?
• What can we do to defeat all these negative aspects and the violation of human rights regarding children of our age or even younger?
The children of the world are everybody’s children: what does it mean ?
• "The world belongs to children. The children of the world are everyone’s children ". If we don't understand that all children must have the same rights, the world will never change.
• Adults must intervene in dangerous situations even if children are not theirs.
• Adults shouldn’t only look after their own family, but also other people’s children. Children must be treated well by everyone, helpig them and listening to them.
• A child is a human being who is not indipendent so he/she should be helped.
• Children are adults’ heritage , their future, and they’ll convey what they learned
• All adults should consider children as if they were their own children. They should love and protect them, bringing out their abilities.
• Children belong to everyone of because they are similar.
• If children get lost you have to help them
• It is necessary to help children all over the world even those who are far away and poor
• You must give them all love because they feel the same emotions.
• If children are treated well by everyone even when they grow up they will treat children well.
• Adults must stay together with children.
• Children’s rights are not respected around the world
( conversations with: third classes A-B Azzolini primary school, Mirano-Ve, 4th classes in Nazario Sauro primary school , Maerne-Ve, 4th classes A-B Marco Polo Spinea-Ve, second and third years of scuola media- Bertolini Portogruaro-Ve)