To All Movements
Subject: Poll for a virtual General Assembly in 2020
the Ridef is the main meeting place and resource centre for the members of the Fimem network, and for a large number of educators around the world. It is also the privileged space for holding the General Assembly of affiliated members.
Given the impossibility of holding a General Assembly (GA) in person, in 2020, and taking into account the obligation to hold one every 2 years (statutes), the Board proposes to hold an entirely virtual General Assembly, from 20 to 29 July 2020.
Some ideas of the contents that could be dealt with each day (± 2 hours each time).
General Assembly (mandatory at the initiative of the Board of Directors)
Address the proposed agenda items
Discuss the proposals of the Board and the Movements (with or without a vote)
Present the work of the committees if they wish to do so
To present the delegates who will vote for their Movement (ex: candidates for the next Board of Directors, applicants for membership, host country of Ridef 2024,...
To be completed
Depending on your answers, which we hope will be numerous, we will propose operating procedures that will take into account your various suggestions.
In preparation for this possible GA
Six documents have already been sent to the Movements (+ reserved Fimem on site) and others will follow soon. Some of them require answers from the Movements. We would like to bring the deadline forward to mid-May rather than the 15 June initially indicated. These documents circulated in advance give the Movements ample time to consult their members on each of the points and to propose others if necessary.
An opportunity...everything has to be invented! Come and help us with your thoughts, suggestions and technological aids that you could give us as a gift (complete and return the survey below). We need your help to refine this project TOGETHER
Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Fimem Board of Directors
Antoinette Mengue Abesso, Flor Zaldumbide Cecena, Lanfranco Genito, Mariel Ducharme, Sylviane Amiet
By 15 May 2020, please inform the CA at cafimem@gmail.com, if you agree (or disagree) with this proposal
We agree to hold a virtual General Assembly from 20 to 29 July 2020 and we will participate in it.
Instead, we suggest:_______________________________________________________________________
Our questions and comments _______________________________________________________________
Name of person who completed this survey ______________________________________________________
Signature of the President or a member of the Board ______________________________________________
Name of the Movement:________________________________
Date _____________________________