Submitted by Lanfranco Genito on Tue, 09/25/2018 - 09:43

Testo del ringraziamento che non ho avuto il tempo di leggere all'Assemblea Generale della FIMEM a Ljungskile

Grazie a tutti, per la mia elezione al CA della Fimem. Voglio ringraziare prima i miei compagni italiani, dopo la mia amica Nuccia Maldera, Saluto anche Eduard che dopo alcuni anni, lascia il CA.

THANKS for my election at CA of Fimem

Submitted by Lanfranco Genito on Tue, 09/25/2018 - 09:22

Text of my thanks, that I did not have time to read, at the FIMEM General Assembly in Ljungskile

Thank you to all, for my election at CA of Fimem.
I want to thank first my Italian companeros, after my friend Nuccia Maldera. I also greet Eduard, that after a few years, leaves the CA.
I am very honored, to have been elected in such an important organism as the CA of Fimem; the federation of our associations of educators who, as volunteers, dedicate part of their time and their energies, to a better world. I promise to do my best, to honor this position.