FREINET IN ENGLISH / comment partager des ressources?
How to gather, create and share English Freinet ressources?
Hello, English understanding Freinet Friends
(especially the people who do not understand French)
How to gather, create and share English Freinet ressources?
Hello, English understanding Freinet Friends
(especially the people who do not understand French)
On this picture, from left to right : Yuko, Miki, Masuko et Atuko.
They are talking about the Japanese presentation in the RIDEF intercultural night, about the strong links between the Italian Freinet movement and the Japanese group, about their stay in Reggio...
"RIDEF Reggio has given us strength, we are happy to be here."
Translation French-Japanese by Masuko.
Je viens d'apprendre le décès de Murata survenu le 21 janvier. Son coeur a lâché, il avait 76 ans. Je suis effondrée.